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Domestic violence

Violence at home – also Gewalt, die von Ihrer Partnerin/Ihrem Partner oder auch einem/einer Familienangehörigen ausgeübt wird – ist häufig deswegen so belastend und geradezu unfassbar, weil sie von einem Menschen ausgeht, den Sie lieben und dem Sie vertrauen (oder es zumindest bislang getan hatten).

Domestic violence - i.e. violence perpetrated by your partner or other family members - is often so stressful because it comes from someone you love and trust (or at least used to).

If this person

  • hits, kicks, pushes, bites or sexually coerces you,
  • insults, manipulates or threatens you,
  • damages your property or prevents you from leaving the house, or
  • cuts off your contact with family members or other loved ones,

then your right to your integrity is violated along with your right to a safe home.

For a long time, those affected often maintain the belief that the violence was a "slip of the tongue" - because they understandably want it to be that way. Or they devalue themselves for having been a victim, along the lines of: "It wouldn't have happened to a real man!" And if you finally dare to talk about what you have suffered, you may find that you are not believed - especially if the violence was perpetrated by a woman. So stigmatization, taboo and outdated ideas of what a man is supposed to be like lead to the "I have to do it all myself" dead end.

So overcome the silence, because talking about what has happened is the first step out of your own isolation! Give it a try: We are competent contacts who you can trust and who will support your path to more protection for yourself and an end to the violence.

Here you can get advice and help

Telephone advice

Monday to Thursday 
08:00 - 20:00 
08:00 - 15:00

Instant text chat

Monday to Thursday 
12:00 - 15:00 
17:00 - 19:00

Mail advice

You have various options for contacting us by 