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On this page we provide you with information in German Sign Language.

The "Violence against men helpline"

Why does the helpline exist? How does the helpline support men at risk of violence or affected by violence? And how can men with hearing impairments or hearing loss get in touch with the counselors?

In the sign language videos, we explain what content you will find on the "Violence against men" helpline website and how the website navigation works.

Welcome to the website of the "Violence against men helpline"!

The "Violence against men helpline" is a free and anonymous advice service for men threatened or affected by violence. Violence that you experienced as a child, that takes place at home or on the internet. Here you can find advice on domestic violence, sexualized violence, violence in childhood, bullying, stalking and forced marriage.

The help offered is not only for men who have been affected, but also for people who know men who have been affected, so-called supporters. Professionals can also use the service.

You can reach the counselors of the "Violence against men helpline" by calling 0800 12 39 900 from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 8 pm and Friday from 8 am to 3 pm.

Alternatively, you can contact them by email at or via online counseling.

The "Violence against men helpline" is also available via chat. You can use it Mondays to Thursdays from 12 noon to 3 pm and from 5 pm to 7 pm.

The options for using the online advice service and the chat are presented in the sign language video for navigating the website.

The advice service is available in German and English. Turkish-speaking men can contact the "Violence against men helpline" during office hours on Mondays from 6 to 8 pm and by email. Unfortunately, counseling in German sign language and in sign language is not possible. We apologize for this.

Counseling is confidential and anonymous. This means that you do not have to give your name. No data about you will be stored.

The advisors will listen to you and help you. If you wish, the advisors will also look for violence protection apartments and advice centers for you. They can also give you the telephone numbers and email addresses of help facilities.

Sign language video for navigating the website

Help hotline for violence against men

Welcome to the website

On the homepage you will see the buttons for "Sign language", "Easy language" and "Tips for anonymous surfing". There you will find information on the help available in sign language and in plain language. The "Tips for anonymous surfing" button contains information on data security.

The "Violence against men helpline" can be reached in many ways, whether by phone, email, online advice or instant text chat.

Calls can be made from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to 8 pm and on Friday from 8 am to 3 pm by calling 0800 12 39 900.

If you click on "CHAT NOW" in the "Instant text chat" window, you will be redirected to the instant text chat, where advice is available from Monday to Thursday from 12 noon to 3 pm and 5 pm to 7 pm.

If you click on "Mail advice", advice is available by e-mail either via the e-mail address or via secure online advice.

Registration is required for online counseling. This can be done anonymously. If you would like to register anonymously, please assign a user name (which you can easily remember) and a password as follows:

  1. User name: Letters and numbers, but one special character (e.g. ö, ü, ä, +).
  2. Password: it must contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters (allowed here).
  3. Please do not forget to click on the terms of use and the declaration of consent (data protection).

If you register with an e-mail address, you will receive a message by e-mail to the address provided.

The icons "anonymous", "free" and "safe" mean that the "Violence against men helpline" provides anonymous, free and safe advice to victims, supporters and professionals.

Figures, data and facts about violence against men can be found by clicking on the "Find out more" button.

On the homepage, you will find the tabs "I have experienced violence", "I would like to help" and "I would like to know more". There, victims, supporters and professionals can find further information on forms of violence, support options and publicity materials.

On the website you will also find the "FAQs", the "Declaration on accessibility", the "Imprint" and information on "Data protection".

You can always find the number of the help hotline on the logo.